Perfect Blue
February 28, 1998
August 11, 2020
Perfect, One of the most intense and scary movies I've ever watched. And maybe the scariest animated film I've ever watched. This film seems to give you a collision of facts after you beg for mortal tea. The reality and illusion really blurred in this film. Tells a story about the transition from an idol in Japan to an actress (this is common and very much in Japan), we are offered a terrible view of the cruel entertainment world. I wonder if the actresses who work in the entertainment world really feel like what Mina feels. Following her worries about life in the world she chose, Mina began to become paranoid.

One of the most striking things is the editing of this film which gives anxiety in a dose that is really feels like killing. Transition from scene to scene, one place to another place, and especially the transition from reality to fantasy is fucking legit. Editing when Mina says "Who Are You?" Is maybe one of the best trantition in film I've ever seen. Reality and delusion are unpredictable in this film. That's also one reason of why this film very scary. The blurry reality adds the effect of getting lost in finding the truth.

And the aspect that is also very impressive is the beautiful animation and filled with blue color which is sometimes juxtaposed with the red blood makes an impression of elegance as well as horrific . And also coupled with a mixture of catchy pop songs with intense scoring adds the creepy of this film.